If you own a business, you may have considered starting a blog to promote your product or service. However, you may be wondering whether a blog is worth the time and effort. After all, keeping a blog updated regularly can be time-consuming.
Yes, blogging can help you build your brand, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and connect with others who share your interests it is always recommended by a digital marketing company in Gurugram to have a regularly updated blog section on your website.
Here are some reasons why a blog can be an asset to your business:
Attract website visitors
Consider the number of pages on your website. I’m guessing not a lot. Consider how frequently you update those pages. Probably not that frequently, right?
Blogging, on the other hand, is an excellent way to address both of these issues.
Every time you write and publish a blog post, you add another indexed page to your website, which means you have another chance to appear on the search engine results page (SERP) and drive traffic to your website through organic search.
It also serves as another signal to Google and other search engines that your website is active, and they should return frequently to see what new content has surfaced.
Repurposing blog content

Blog content can be used for the promotion of your online business on various other channels and platforms.
For example, a single blog post can be scripted and read aloud as a podcast or audio post. That audio can then be animated or turned into a YouTube video. The script can be condensed to create an infographic or even a slide deck. You’re not just making a blog post; you’re also making a resource.
Aids in social media presence
Blogging for your business also aids in social media discovery. Every time you publish a new article, you’re creating content that people can share on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest, which helps expose your company to a new audience that may not be familiar with it yet. Most social media management company prefers this tactic.
Turn visitors into leads and customers
Every post represents a new opportunity to generate new leads.The process is straightforward: Simply include a lead-generating call-to-action in each blog post. A visitor arrives at the website, reads your interesting blog post and your blog post generates trust in the visitor then he/she notices a call to action for a special deal. When a visitor clicks on the call-to-action button, they are taken to a landing page and complete action like filling out our lead form or making a purchase.
Steers long-term outcomes
If you consistently produce valuable content or articles for your target audience, you will be regarded as a market leader or authority in their eyes.
Can you imagine the impact of sending an educational blog post you wrote to a confused customer to clarify the situation? Or how many more deals could a salesperson close if their leads discovered blog content written by them?
Though “establishing authority” is not a vanity metric as quantifiable as traffic and leads, but is still pretty potent stuff.
Decent return on investment:
Assume you spend an hour on Sunday writing and publishing a blog post. Assume your blog post receives 100 views and ten leads on Monday. On Tuesday, you get another 50 views and five leads as a few more people discover it on social media and some of your subscribers catch up on their email. However, after a few days, most of the buzz surrounding that post has died down, and you’ve gained 150 views and 15 leads.
It’s not over yet.
Because that post is now ranking, you can continue to get traffic from it for days, weeks, months, and years to come. The reality is that the effort you put in yesterday can result in hundreds of thousands of views and leads in the future.
Blogging is, in my opinion, essential for a modern business. Yes, it’s a significant investment, but it pays dividends for as long as you keep it going.