One word answer to the question above is a big “YES”.
Now you may be intrigued to know Why and How Social Media Posts help in SEO?
The answer is a simple logic that goes as follows:
If there are regular posts on your Social Media handles with back links to your website, you will get visitors from your posts to your website. These will be people who would have found some value in your post and so they clicked to know more. Now, the important thing here is that the post has to be great at giving some kind of value to the user. Now, once the visitor reaches your website, if the content is good, he will spend good time on the site. When a user spends time on your site, it lowers your bounce rate and thereby increases your website’s credibility in the eyes of Google (Remember: Google Analytics should be integrated with your website for all this to happen!). With lowered bounce rate and regular traffic coming in, you will see that SEO reports improve, both traffic related reports and ranking reports. Of course, here we are assuming that regular On page and Off Page SEO activities are in progress and Social Media posts are only giving a push to SEO and the SEO of the website is not entirely dependent on Social media activities alone.

For Social Media postings, choose the platform as per the target audience for example, for lifestyle products being sold online, Instagram and Facebook are good platforms for posting regularly while companies involved in providing professional services tend to benefit more from regular LinkedIn posts. Once you have prepared a post with its content and creatives, do remember to post it on your Google Maps listing as well to strengthen your local SEO.